Monthly Archives: May 2013

Niku-Dango (肉だんご)

Let’s Try Simple Japanese Cooking!
Hello, my name is Sarah…I am a mascot dog of MIJC.
My parents always take good care of me..
Thank you for sharing time with me every day!
サラのNiku-Dango (肉だんご)

minced meat : 300-350g (estimate)
leek* : several
ginger : certain amount*
salt & pepper : 2-3 tablespoons
starch* : 2-3 tablespoons
canola oil* : 2-3 teaspoons
soy sauce : a little

1. After washing leek and ginger, cut them into small pieces.

2. Mix the minced meat and cut leek and ginger in a large bowl by hand.

3. Add salt and pepper, and mix the ingredients well.

4. Lightly coat the ingredients with starch, and mix them a little bit.

5. Heat a pan and pour canola oil in it, then scoop the ingredients and fry them.

6. Before eating them, just pour soy sauce a little.

*Japanese leek is called Negi. but I used spring onion this time.
*Ginger is a key of this receipe other than leek.
I approximately used a third of the block.
*If you can use sesame oil, it has a strong flavor but it’s good!
*Japanese starch is called Katakuri-ko(片栗粉). It’s useful for connecting the ingredients.
If you use this, it will have a light texture.
-This time I couldn’t get Katakuri-ko, so it was a little bit hard to make dango and
the dango looked a little bit different. But
the taste was still good!

Serve it in a dish, it’s done! 出来上がり!Dekiagari!

Let’s Listen to a nostalgic Japanese song (懐メロ:なつメロ)!

Let’s Listen to a nostalgic Japanese song (懐メロ:なつメロ)!

川の流れのように [Kawa No Nagare-noyouni]

-美空ひばり [Misora Hibari]

Misora Hibari was one of representatives of Japanese enka singers, actress and an icon of Showa period. This song is one of her notable songs and became her final single.

作詞:秋元康 Akimoto Yasushi
作曲:見岳章 Mitake Akira

知らず知らず 歩いて来た
振り返れば 遥か遠く
でこぼこ道や 曲がりくねった道
地図さえない それもまた 人生
ああ 川の流れのように
ああ 川の流れのように

生きることは 旅すること
愛する人 そばに連れて

雨に降られて ぬかるんだ道でも
いつかは また 晴れる日が来るから
ああ 川の流れのように
ああ 川の流れのように
季節 雪どけを待ちながら

ああ 川の流れのように
ああ 川の流れのように

When I listen to this song, I think about my life, and I think that’s true..
It’s a life that you can’t locate on the map now..

Let’s go back to basics with imagination randomly!

Let’s go back to basics with imagination randomly!
☆-a new column starts!

あ [A] – アップル-apple-りんご, あり-ant, あい-愛-love,
あめ-雨-rain,あめ-飴-candy, あんしん-安心-ease,
アクセス-access, …

Let’s continue to connect your imagination using あ[A] in mind…

This week a red amaryllis admirably bloomed at Tokyo.
The large flowers are so beautiful that I’d like to share the photos.

It’s thanks to my mother who has been taking good care of it.
– photo taken by my family


Watching professional baseball, the Yomiuri Giants vs Saitama Seibu Lions at Tokyo Dome
– photo taken by my family


Walking from Daikanyama to Shibuya

代官山から渋谷へ散歩, Tokyo – photo from my family

Let’s Listen to a Japanese Enka (演歌) today!

Let’s Listen to a Japanese EnKA (演歌) today!

From Today, EnKA series start!
EnKA series are our reader’s request, thank you very much!
Let’s enjoy Japanese EnKA World together!

きよしのズンドコ節 KiYOSHI No ZunDoKo-BuSHI
氷川きよし Hikawa Kiyoshi

(ズンズンズン ズンドコ ズンズンズン ズンドコ)
風[KaZE]に吹かれて 花[HaNA]が散る
雨[AMe]に濡れても 花が散る
咲いた花なら いつか散る
おなじさだめの 恋[KOi]の花
向こう横丁の ラーメン屋[Ramen YA]
赤い[AKAi]あの娘の チャイナ服
そっと目くばせ チャーシューを
いつもおまけに 2・3枚
(ズンズンズン ズンドコ ズンズンズン ズンドコ)

辛い時でも 泣き言は
口を結んで 一文字
いつかかならず 故郷[FURUSATo]へ
錦かざって 帰る[KaERu]から
守り袋[MaMoRI-BuKuRo]を 抱きしめて
お国訛り[OKUNI-NaMaRi]で 歌う[UTaU]のさ
西の空[SORa]見て 呼んでみる
遠くやさしい お母さん[OKaA-SAn]
(ズンズンズン ズンドコ ズンズンズン ズンドコ)

lyrics作詞:松井由利夫 composition作曲:水森英夫

key words:
風[KaZE] = wind
花[HaNA] = flower
散る[CHIRU] = fall
いつか[ITSUKa] = sometime, someday
雨[AMe] = rain
恋[KOi] = crush, love
赤い[AKAi] = red
ラーメン屋[Ramen YA] = ramen restaurant;
in this lyrics, a ramen stand
故郷[FURUSATo] = hometown
帰る[KaERu] = come back, return
空[SORa] = sky
守り袋[MaMoRI-BuKuRo] = lucky charm
お国訛り[OKUNI-NaMaRi] = local or regional accent
歌う[UTaU] = sing
やさしい[YaSAShiI] = warm, kind
お母さん[OKaA-SAn] = mother

oh many key I chose some..

Could you follow this lyrics? (^^)/