Category Archives: Japanese Simple Healthy Food

Happy New Year!
明けましておめでとうございます! [Akemashite Omedetou gozaimasu!]
今年もよろしくお願いいたします。[Kotoshimo yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu]
-Special New Year series vol1
2018 is the year of the Inu (Dog) in Zodiac, Japanese 干支 [Eto].
It is called as 戌年 [Inu doshi].
We hope it brings you good health, lots of joy, happiness, and success this year.

This week “Special New Year series” start.
I introduce some simple Japanese style, healthy food I made through Special New Year series.
I plan to introduce interesting Japanese culture and custom more and more as well this year.
I hope you can enjoy all!
– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013 MIJC

Today’s Gitaigo

Today’s Gitaigo
– 擬態語 – mimetic word;
expressions about a situation/ condition of things or gesture/ motion of people or any other creatures

つるつる - in Hiragana
ツルツル – in Katakana

smooth, slippy, slippery

a situation/ condition that the surface is smooth or slick or sleek
and or has a sheen
a situation/ condition that causes things to slip or slide

practical usage:
It is used for things which is smooth, slick or sleek.

[Kono kuriimu was anata no hada wo tsurutsuru ni shimasu]
This cream makes your skin smooth.

[Onsen ni haittara tsurutsuru no hada ni narimasu]
If you take a hot spring bath, your skin becomes smooth.

[Watashitachi wa soba wo tsurutsuru to susutte tabemasu] or
[Watashitachi wa soba wo tsurutsuru to oto wo tatete tabemasu]
We slurp up and eat soba. or
We eat soba with a slurping sound.

[Kono douro wa tsurutsuru to suberimasu]
This road is slippery.

[Kare wa tsurutsuru atama ni shimashita]
He had his head shaved.


I cooked a new Japanese product, molokheiya soba which is made in Japan and
the noodle was ‘tsurutusuru’ and I could eat it ‘tsurutsuruto’.
It is healthy and delicious as well.

****similar Gitaigo
[sube-sube] : things that is originally soft and that don’t always have a sheen but smooth

つるっと : similar as つるつると
[tsurutto] as adverb
つるんと : similar as つるつると
[tsurunto] as adverb
つるんとした : similar as つるつるな or つるつるとした
[tsuruntoshita] as adjective

Hello! How are you today? How is your meal?
I have been taking these photos every time I made my simple healthy cooking..
My husband always says to me, “I love it!” and we are spending a healthy life.
I will introduce my Simple Beauty Cooking photos here a little by little.
Enjoy the photos..
– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013- MIJC

Hello! How are you today? How is your meal?
I have been taking these photos every time I made my simple healthy cooking..
My husband always says to me, “I love it!” and we are spending a healthy life.
I will introduce my Simple Beauty Cooking photos here a little by little.
Enjoy the photos..
– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013- MIJC

I will start to introduce my Simple Beauty Cooking photos here a little by little.
I have been taking these photos every time I made my simple healthy cooking..
My husband always says to me, “I love it!” and we are spending a healthy life.

– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013- MIJC


Oshogatsu(お正月) is New Year’s Day.

From January 1st to 3rd, it’s called Sanganichi(三が日) and in Japan it is New Year’s holidays.
It is three consecutive holidays.

Japanese people eat Osechi Ryori(おせち料理), traditional New Year’s dishes during the holidays.

I made a lot of Japanese traditional Osechi dishes, Sukiyaki and so on with my family.
(additionally I made shortbread as well..)
Osechi Ryori etc

~~冬(ふゆ)[Huyu]の風物詩(seasonal tradition)vol.3~~~

☆☆冬(ふゆ)[Huyu] = Winter☆☆☆


紅白[kouhaku] is a compound noun of red and white. Aka/Kou symbolizes happiness or pleasure and Shiro/Haku symbolizes holiness or sacredness. So, the colors are normally used for happy event, such as a Happy New Year.

Namasu is a cold 酢の物 [Sunomono] with rice vinegar and thin strips of carrot and Daikon(white radish).

Therefore, a wish for living peacefully is contained in Kouhaku Namasu.
related words/
羮に懲りて膾を吹く[Atsumono ni korite Namasuwo huku] – Atsumono means a hot soup of vegetables and fish/meat while なます[Namasu] means a cold dish, such as Namasu. 懲りる[Koriru] means to be disgusted. 吹く[Huku] means to blow something. (To be continued later)
酢の物 [Sunomono] – a vinegared dish of vegetables and or sea food including seaweed.

~~冬(ふゆ)[Huyu]の風物詩(seasonal tradition)vol.2~~~

☆☆冬(ふゆ)[Huyu] = Winter☆☆☆

☆お重/重箱 [Ojyu/Jubako]

重箱 means tiered food boxes for おせち料理[Osechi ryori] of the New Year.

重 means to stack or tier something in this case.
重ね[kasane] means a pile and the verb is 重ねる[kasaneru].

It’s traditionally made of wood and lacquered.
The color is usually black or red, with 絵柄[egara] of auspicious motifs, such as a crane, a pine tree, a bamboo, a flower of Japanese plum and cherry blossom.
When you stack each box, you can view the whole picture of the motif. It is beautiful at table and makes the table colorful.

When you put each food in the box, the food looks more sumptuous.
It is to
重箱に詰める[jubako ni tsumeru]: put the traditional food in the traditional box lacquered.

To put the traditional food in the traditional box and stack the boxes means to hope you would repeatedly have happiness.

related key words/
絵柄[egara]: picture
箱[hako/bako(the pronunciation is changed to bako based on the previous word)]: box
おせち料理[Osechi ryori]-cf.see winter/seasonal tradition vol.1

~~冬(ふゆ)[Huyu]の風物詩(seasonal tradition)vol.1~~~

☆☆冬(ふゆ)[Huyu] = Winter☆☆☆

☆おせち料理[Osechi ryori]

It is a traditional Japanese food and a lucky food which people eat wishing each family’s happiness in the new year.
Each dish contains various foods from both mountain and the sea with the best wishes of the productiveness of grain, safety, health and so on.

I made some Osechi ryori with my family. We need to prepare for it before the new year.

To be continued..Next topic will be お重/重箱 (Ojyu/Jubako) and then will be each food for sure.

We use Japanese Kabocha squash which is a fall season vegetable during the best season.

I used this Kabocha squash grown in the U.S. for a Japanese healthy food named Kabocha no Nimono (かぼちゃの煮物) this time.