Monthly Archives: November 2013

These photos were taken by one of our members in Kyoto the other day.

Copyright(C) 2013-2014 MIJC – All Rights Reserved.

MIJSC (Mingle Internationally Japanese Simple Cooking) no.2
November 22, 2013 at International Learning Center

☆ Japanese hamburger with demiglace sauce
☆ Kofukiimo (Fluffy boild potatos)
☆ white rice
☆ potato miso soup
☆ as a desert, kaki (Japanese persimmon) compote

Copyright(C) 2013-2014 MIJC – All Rights Reserved.

Japanese autumn in Tokyo 2013

These photos were taken by my father at Denenchoufu – 田園調布
in Tokyo last week.
The icho namiki (いちょう並木) (- gingko trees)
is a well-known spot.

Copyright(C) 2013-2014 MIJC – All Rights Reserved.

【勤労感謝の日(Kinrou Kansha no hi)】

【勤労感謝の日(Kinrou Kansha no hi)】
Labor Thanksgiving Day

It is a national holiday in Japan which is held on November 23 in order to value diligent labors, celebrate production and give thanks to each other.

It originated from Niname-sai/ Shinjou-sai (新嘗祭) in preWar periods which was an important ceremony of a nation, Japan and the Emperor expressed appreciation for a harvest of crops and the blessing as a representative of the people.

Labor Thanksgiving Day was announced officially in 1948 by reinterpreting broadly the meaning of Kinrou (勤労).
It included not only a physical labor which produced material things but also mentally delving deeper into essence of things and creating. It fitted with modern times, because diligent and sincere efforts and pursuits of each and every person were regarded more meaningful and valuable.

Let’s give thanks to each other!

MIJSC Japanese Simple Cooking lesson No.2

Friday, November 22, 2013, 6:30pm – 9:00pm
At International learning Center in Oregon State University

☆ Japanese hamburger with demiglace sauce
☆ Kofukiimo (Fluffy boild potatos)
☆ white rice
☆ potato miso soup
☆ as a desert, kaki (Japanese persimmon) compote

I will prepare for the ingredients (all organic and natural as usual) for the requested number..
This is our local event of our group MIJSC but anyone who can join us is welcomed.
Thank you!

These photos were taken by my father at Lake Miyagase (dam lake) – 宮が瀬湖
in Kanagawa Prefecture last week.
I heard it was still a bit early to take photos of Japanese colorful trees in autumn season.
I hope you’ll enjoy Japanese autumn season through the photos!

Copyright(C) 2013-2014 MIJC – All Rights Reserved.

日本の童謡 (Douyo – Japanese children’s song) vol.4

☆-☆-日本の童謡 (Douyo – Japanese children’s song) vol.4-☆-☆-☆

Have you ever listened to Japanese children’s songs?
They have been well-beloved by Japanese people since back in the day.
Every lyrics of “童謡(Douyo)” is infinitely familiar to Japanese people because
we Japanese learn them and sing together at our kindergartens and at home
when we are children. I can remember every lyrics. We naturally remember every word and phrase. “Douyo” has had that great impact on us and will stay with us for eternity.
Today’s song is “おもちゃのチャチャチャ (Omochano chachacha)”.


空(sora)にキラキラお星様(hoshi sama)





チャチャチャおもちゃのチャチャチャ (repeat)


key words:
おもちゃ(omocha) = toys
空(sora) = sky
星(hoshi) = star
眠る(nemuru) = sleep
頃(koro) -> the time when (everyone sleeps)
箱(hako) = box
飛び(tobi)出して(dashite) => tobidasu = jump out of it
踊る(odoru) = dance
兵隊(heitai) = solders
鳴らして(narashite) => narasu = ring, sound
フランス(France)人形(ningyo) = French doll
素敵(suteki) = nice, lovely
花(hana) = flower
お祭り(omatsuri) = festival
子羊(kohitsuji) = lamb, baby sheep —>  Me-Me- : baa-aa
子猫(koneko) = kitten, kitty —> Nya-: mew
子豚(kobuta) = little pig —> Bu-bu-: oink oink
帰る(kaeru) = return, come back
おもちゃ箱(omochabako) = toy box

It’s a lovely Douyo with animal sounds and the rhythmic sounds, isn’t it?
Have a nice week, everyone!

MIJC Japanese Conversation group No.30

Friday, November 15, 2013, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
At Valley library – Oregon State University

– reviewing no.29 session
– practicing “will you, would you, can you, could you questions and various kinds of answers that we studied last week
– practicing various conjunctions and verbal auxiliary that we studied last week
– studying passive construction as another grammar (Although I taught it to other members as well last year, it’s new for new members.)
– expanding your vocabulary

# we usually study over 8:30pm, i.e. last week we were studying and talking until 9:30pm..
So, you’re welcome even if you are late..

坂上田村麻呂 (Sakanoue-no-Tamuramaro) Vol.2

Hi! This is Kazuki@MIJC! Before we continue to study about Sakanoue-no-Tamuramaro let me explain about “Shogun”(将軍). Original meaning of Shogun is general or officer. However, usually, this word include special meaning. The official name of Shogun is Sei-i-taishogun(征夷大将軍). The meaning of each Kanjis are as mentioned below.

Sei(征)=conquest i(夷)=brutish, barbarian lived in North tai(大)=great shogun(将軍)=officer

Originallly, Shogun was temporary officer to defeat barbarian in North. Sakaouetamura-maro falls under this. However, after ages, “Shogun” had became a synonym for a leader of Bushi. The meaning of “Shogun” was different in then and later. Then, let’s continue to study about Sakanoue-no-Tamuramaro.
坂上田村麻呂 (さかのうえのたむらまろ) [Sakanoue-no-Tamuramaro] 758?~811 Vol.2

Tamuramaro served army of the Imperial court to defeat Ebisu. Unfortunately, detailed resource of Tamuramaro’s first occupation is not in existence. According to one theory, victorious army lead 100,000 soldiers when he became a vice-general. He was the youngest vice-general. This conquest was ended with the victory of the Imperial court, but it could not kill the leader of Ebisu, Aterui. Moreover, the price of big army was not cheap. That conquest created huge burden to populace. It spend some years to recover again.

After that, Tamuramaro governed politic of North area. In 797, at last, Tamuramaro was appointed to Sei-i-taishogun. Nevertheless, he did not mobilize troops. He endeavored conciliatory measure. He began a maneuver to break it up and made immigrate*① people to North. To investigate the actual conditions of Ebisu and gave title and official rank(官位) to influential people. However, this policy included difficulty and limitation. In 795, Kimikobe-no-Mamaro(吉美侯部真麻呂) who was Fusyu(俘囚)*② worked for the Imperial was killed by another Fusyu. This happening symbolized how difficult to control Ebisu. Finally, Tamuramaro lead 40000 soldiers and invaded territory of Ebisu in 800. This conquest became the final battle between the Imperial court and Aterui. to be continued………

① Leave their prefecture meant almost same as leave their country at that period. ② Fusyu(俘囚 ) is Ebisu submitted to the Emperor. The imperial court used them to rule North part and negotiate with Ebisu.

MIJSC (Mingle Internationally Japanese Simple Cooking) no.1
October 25, 2013 at International Learning Center

Pumpkin zukushi (using a lot of pumpkins) dishes
..Okonomiyaki with pumpkin suage, pork, shrimp, cabbage etc,
Nimono of pumpkin and pumpkin pudding

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