Category Archives: Interesting Spot

Information of regional Onsen spots-new year series vol3

◆—Information of regional Onsen spots ——-◆

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your reading regularly!
It’s a good season to travel and experience Japanese natural hot spring!
Have you ever tried Japanese Onsen? It is very effective for not only your skin but also your mind-body relaxation. In fact, the natural hot spring, Onsen is said to have benefits of overall health, such as recovery from various kinds of pain. It is also effective for recovery from fatigue and even for skin health.
I will introduce some features of regional Onsen spots in Japan little by little.

★ニセコ温泉郷(Niseko onsenkyo)
It is well-known as a hot spring area where there are many kinds of natural hot springs.
Niseko Konbu onsen(ニセコ昆布温泉) : chloride, hydrocarbonate spring
Niseko Annupuri onsen(ニセコアンヌプリ温泉): Sodium hydrocarbonate spring
Niseko Niimi onsen(ニセコ新見温泉): chloride, sulfate spring
Niseko Yumoto onsen(ニセコ湯本温泉): mainly sulfate, iron mineral spring
Niseko Goshiki onsen(ニセコ五色温泉): Acidic sulfate spring
Niseko Higashiyama onsen(ニセコ東山温泉): Sodium hydrocarbonate, sulfate spring

★洞爺湖温泉(Toyako onsen): Sodium, chloride spring
有珠山(Usu-zan): active volcano, it is located in the south of Lake Toya.
The hot spring source is a parasitic cone of 有珠山(Usu-zan), 四十三山(Yosomi-yama).

★登別温泉(Noboribetsu onsen): sulfur spring, hydrogen sulfide, iron-containing spring
Noboribetsu is derived from “nupurpet” in Ainu language, which means a river having mysterious powers.

★別府温泉(Beppu onsen):
-大分県(Oita Pref.)
There are eight hot spring areas called “Beppu hattou(別府八湯)” including Beppu onsen. The natural hot spring source is located along a huge cliff. Especially Kannawa and Myouban onsen area are designated as “important cultural landscapes” in Japan.
Kannawa onsen(鉄輪温泉): chloride spring, metasilicic acid (weak acidity)
Myouban onsen(明礬温泉): acidic spa water of a hydrogen sulfide type, iron sulfate spring

★有馬温泉(Arima onsen): hot spring with high iron, salt, carbonic acid gas content
-兵庫県(Hyougo Pref.)
It is the oldest onsen in Japan, as written in Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan).
It is also well-known as a hot red onsen. The natural hot spring source is surprisingly the mantle of the earth. The hot spring is said to have been produced passing through the fault for so many more years than the history of the mankind.

Don’t you think that you would like to visit and experience Japanese Onsens, too?

Japan now – vol.10

Japan now – vol.10
On March 11th, on the 4th year after 東日本大震, the Great East Japan Earthquake, many local people gave their pledge to the reconstruction praying for and thinking about their families, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in disaster areas. Especially, in the coast areas which were heavily-damaged, disaster drills were done by the residents in an attempt to take into account the lessons learned from the unexpectedly huge disaster.

–> Thank you very much for all your prayers and supports for Japan, the 東北[Tohoku] region, and the bereaved families still having a hard time to make a living and recover from grief.

国連防災世界会議, World Conference on Disaster Reduction is held in Sendai now. Experts from various nations are having discussion about how to decrease the risk of natural disasters and Japanese experts said: Japan has been actively advancing a measure which combines different components of both software and hardware against the maximum earthquake and tsunami.

梅まつり,Ume Matsuri (Japanese plum festival) is held at 偕楽園[Kairakuen] in Mito, Ibaraki now. It is crowded with many people who come to see Japanese plum blossoms.

偕楽園[Kairakuen] is considered one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, which has estimated 3000 Japanese plum trees in total and hundred different types of plum trees. About 80% of the total came into bloom and it’s the best time to view the blossoms.

It was a little late to bloom because it has been cold until February this year, but after it became warm these past few days the plum trees became in bloom at once.

甑島[こしきじま,Koshikijima] in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima was designated a quasi-national park on Marth 16th. Koshikijima is well-known as rare wild plants, such as Kanoko yuri (Kanoko lily) and rare land features such as sheer cliff which was eroded by waves.

Information of regional spots for Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves

◆—Information of regional spots for Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves——-◆

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your reading regularly!
It’s still the season to travel and watch Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves!
I will gradually introduce various information of regional Kouyou(紅葉) spots in Japan!

The best time to see autumn leaves : end-November – early December

★鶴岡八幡宮(Tsuruoka Hachimangu)
– 神奈川県(Kanagawa Pref)
It is a symbol of ancient Kamakura and 源頼朝(Minamoto no Yoritomo) built the shrine.
Minamoto no Yoritomo established the Kamakura Shogunate in 1192.

The best time to see autumn leaves : end-November – early December

★新宿御苑(Shinjuku Gyoen)
– 東京都(Tokyo)
It is a masterpiece of a landscape garden combined with a traditional Japanese garden, British-style garden and French-style garden. It is also well-known as a beauty spot of Sakura, cherry blossoms in spring.

The best time to see autumn leaves : mid-November – early December

– 京都府(Kyoto Pref)
It is also a well-known spot of Sakura, cherry blossoms and Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves.
渡月橋(Togetsu kyo)bridge over 桂川(The Katsura River) is famous for the beautiful view of cherry blossoms and autumn red leaves on the slope of Arashiyama. 嵐山紅葉まつり(Arashiyama Kouyou Matsuri/Festival) is held every year on the second Sunday of November.

Information of regional spots for Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves

◆—Information of regional spots for Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves——-◆

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your reading regularly!
It’s the season to travel and watch Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves!
I will gradually introduce various information of regional Kouyou(紅葉) spots in Japan!

The best time to see autumn leaves : mid-October – early November

★奥入瀬渓流(Oirase Keiryu)
– 青森県(Aomori Pref)
渓流(Keiryu) means a mountain stream. Oirase-Keiryu was nationally designated as a place of special scenic beauty and the special natural monument in 1952. It belongs to 十和田八幡平国立公園(Towada-Hachimantai National Park) comprising two separate areas of Aomori, Iwate, and Akita Prefectures. Mainly the two separate areas cover 十和田湖(Lake Towada) and 八幡平(Mount Hachimantai) which comprises some volcanoes. There are many waterfalls along the river valley. It’s a well-known spot where you can view both beautiful green in spring and golden and red leaves in autumn.

The best time to see autumn leaves : mid-November – early December

– 京都府(Kyoto Pref.)
東福寺(Tofuku-ji) is a Buddhist temple in Higashiyama-ku(Higashiyama Ward). It is one the five great Zen temples of Kyoto called 京都五山(Kyoto Gozan). 通天橋(Tsuten-kyo Bridge) which is the roofed hallway in the temple is particularly well-known for its Japanese maple trees. Estimated 2000 Japanese maple trees which turn red are overwhelming.

The best time to see autumn leaves : mid-October – early November

– 福島県(Fukushima Pref.)
五色沼(Goshiki-numa) is a cluster of five volcanic lakes at the foot of 磐梯山(Mount Bandai). Goshiki-numa was formed as hundreds of lakes and tarns when Mount Bandai erupted in 1888. Goshiki means the Five Colored, and the Five lakes feature their own delicate color of the mineral deposits the eruption brought, ranging from reddish green to cobalt blue. The red maple leaves shine on the surface of Goshiki-numa and you can enjoy the mysterious contrast between the lakes and the colored leaves.

Information of regional spots for Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves

◆—Information of regional spots for Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves——-◆

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your reading regularly!
It’s the season to travel and watch Kouyou(紅葉), autumn red leaves!
I will gradually introduce various information of regional Kouyou(紅葉) spots in Japan!

The best time to see autumn leaves : mid-October – late Oct

★大沼国定公園(Oonuma Kokutei Kouen=Oonuma National Park)
– 北海道(Hokkaido)
You can see a splendid view of Hokkaido in autumn.

In mid-October, it’s the season to fish Wakasagi(lake smelt) at Ounuma Lake. When わかさぎ漁(Wakasagi ryou) – lake smelt fishing begins, many maple leaves turn to be red around 大沼湖(Lake Oonuma) and 小沼湖(Lake Konuma) and the view of 駒ヶ岳(Komagatake)mountainous area from the lakes turns to be autumn color. You can walk the nature trail along the lake seeing the natural beauty..

The best time to see autumn leaves : mid-October – early November

★いろは坂(Iroha zaka)
– 栃木県(Tochigi Pref.)

It’s located in Nikou city. The well-known slope is composed of 48 curves in total. The observation deck after riding the ropeway offers a great view of the moutainous area including 中禅寺湖(Lake Chuzenji) and 華厳の滝(Kegon-no-Taki, Kegon Falls). You can visit 日光東照宮(the Nikko Toshogu Shrine) as well.

Ramen Museum in Yokohama

Today I introduce you Ramen Museum in Yokohama!
I found an interesting report about it from another view and it’s very familiar to me because I’ve lived in Yokohama for more than 10 years. You can learn what old Japan was like because the old good days surrounded with various toys shops, mom-and-pop candy store, movie posters and something like that in the early Showa period are recreated there. So you can enjoy not only ramen collection across Japan but also recreated old Japan.
Toys shop is called “Omocha ya”, and mom-and-pop candy store is called “Dagashi ya”. In these shops, you can find many interesting goods like old character goods or foods or drinks and so on.