Today’s Yojijukugo – four-character idiomatic phrase

Today’s Yojijukugo – four-character idiomatic phrase

七転八起 (しちてんはっき)
Shichiten Hakki

key words:
七[shichi] = seven
八[hachi] = eight

転[ten] -> 転ぶ[korobu] = fall -> the time when life knocks you down and you face troubles
起[ki] -> 起きる[okiru] = stand up ->
the time when you never give up and stand up to the troubles
The number eight is larger than seven. -> the frequency of standing up to the troubles
-> No matter how many times you face any trouble, you never give up and stand up to it.

Literally it means that you fall seven times and you stand up eight times.
You can say when you are facing any trouble, you never give up and
七転八起[shichiten hakki]して[shite = suru(= do) and] you will overcome it.

Interestingly in King James version of the Bible you can find it; Proverbs 24 verse 16 tells you that “For a just man, falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

Do you “七転八起” suru when you are in trouble? (^^)/

七転び八起き[nanakorobi yaoki]
不撓不屈[futou fukutsu]

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