Tag Archives: everydaylife

Happy New Year!
明けましておめでとうございます! [Akemashite Omedetou gozaimasu!]
今年もよろしくお願いいたします。[Kotoshimo yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu]
-Special New Year series vol1
2018 is the year of the Inu (Dog) in Zodiac, Japanese 干支 [Eto].
It is called as 戌年 [Inu doshi].
We hope it brings you good health, lots of joy, happiness, and success this year.

This week “Special New Year series” start.
I introduce some simple Japanese style, healthy food I made through Special New Year series.
I plan to introduce interesting Japanese culture and custom more and more as well this year.
I hope you can enjoy all!
– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013 MIJC

Today’s Yojijukugo – four-character idiomatic phrase

Today’s Yojijukugo – four-character idiomatic phrase

七転八起 (しちてんはっき)
Shichiten Hakki

key words:
七[shichi] = seven
八[hachi] = eight

転[ten] -> 転ぶ[korobu] = fall -> the time when life knocks you down and you face troubles
起[ki] -> 起きる[okiru] = stand up ->
the time when you never give up and stand up to the troubles
The number eight is larger than seven. -> the frequency of standing up to the troubles
-> No matter how many times you face any trouble, you never give up and stand up to it.

Literally it means that you fall seven times and you stand up eight times.
You can say when you are facing any trouble, you never give up and
七転八起[shichiten hakki]して[shite = suru(= do) and] you will overcome it.

Interestingly in King James version of the Bible you can find it; Proverbs 24 verse 16 tells you that “For a just man, falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

Do you “七転八起” suru when you are in trouble? (^^)/

七転び八起き[nanakorobi yaoki]
不撓不屈[futou fukutsu]

Today’s Haiku

Today’s Haiku – a short form of Japanese poetry which consists of three phrases of 5, 7 and 5

人並に 畳の上の 月見かな
Hitonamini, Tatamino ueno, Tsukimikana

Haiku poet: 小林一茶 Kobayashi Issa (1763-1828) – a Japanese poet active during Meiji period of Japan

key words:
人並に(Hitonami ni) : as the world goes around, like everyone else
人(Hito) : person
畳(Tatami) : straw mats
の上(no ue) : above[in this context]
月(Tsuki) : moon
月見(Tsukimi) : moonlight viewing, moon viewing, moon gazing

Tsukimi is a Japanese traditional custom originally in mid-August, August 15th at night which was mid autumn in the luner calendar. People had believed in the power of the moon, worshiped it as god, spent time along with the cycle of the waxing and waning of the moon since a long time ago.
The mid-August in the luner calender and the time between early September(ie. Sep. 7th) and early October(ie. Oct. 8th) in modern times is called “十五夜[jugo ya]” or “中秋の名月[Chushu no meigetsu]”. It is the day when the moon is going to become closer to the full moon, even though it is not exactly the full moon. The reason why it is called “十五夜[jugo ya]” is because it takes about 15 days to turn to the full moon from the new crescent moon.
夜[yoru/ya] = night

季語[Kigo]-a word or phrase associated with a particular season,
used in Japanese Haiku
月見(Tsukimi) = a word for mid autumn

Let’s imagine a relaxed sense of time that you are enjoying moon gazing in the mid autumn.
A full moon symbolizes the productiveness of grain so people prayed to the moon and appreciated the harvest, fruition of things, and the connection with their ancestors. Each year “十五夜[jugo ya]” or “中秋の名月[Chushu no meigetsu]” is a different date and in this year 2017, it was October 4th in Japan.

Hello! How are you today? How is your meal?
I have been taking these photos every time I made my simple healthy cooking..
My husband always says to me, “I love it!” and we are spending a healthy life.
I will introduce my Simple Beauty Cooking photos here a little by little.
Enjoy the photos..
– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013- MIJC

Hello! How are you today? How is your meal?
I have been taking these photos every time I made my simple healthy cooking..
My husband always says to me, “I love it!” and we are spending a healthy life.
I will introduce my Simple Beauty Cooking photos here a little by little.
Enjoy the photos..
– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013- MIJC

I will start to introduce my Simple Beauty Cooking photos here a little by little.
I have been taking these photos every time I made my simple healthy cooking..
My husband always says to me, “I love it!” and we are spending a healthy life.

– photos taken by Mina, Copyright © 2013- MIJC